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AI workflow for automations
Let your AI agent
take care of that
Automations powered by AI for smarter routing, assignment, reminders, and responses.
Reduction in email and text message volume
6 hrs
Gain back an average of 6 hours a week — more time for proactive management
Conversations triaged a month (and growing)
Smart routing
Out-of-the box smarts for identifying the right property and assignee. Set up custom rules to gain an AI boost.
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Smart replies
Your AI agent can self-assign itself every conversation to triage and respond.
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Get reminders
Your AI agent won't just remind you when things are due, it can escalate if a message hasn't been responded to or requires assistance.
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"The better way to run a building."
Bill Morris
Habitat Magazine
loved by customers
See why property managers say Super has “elevated our management team.”
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