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Introducing: AI-powered smart replies

Written by Super
July 24, 2024
Introducing: AI-powered smart replies

A hot new Summer release from Super. With our new smart replies, Super can automatically respond to emails, texts, and calls. Plus, internal team messaging.

Super's July release is packed with powerful features that supercharge property management teams!

We've introduced three huge enhancements: smart replies, smart rules, and internal messaging.

  • Smart replies to automatically respond to common inquiries
  • Smart rules to define automations for routing, assignment, and organization of all communications
  • Internal messaging to have private team discussions

With our smart replies, Super’s AI inbox can take any new communication and:

  • Assign the right team member (e.g. accounting vs maintenance)
  • Notify additional team members (e.g. loop in a vendor)
  • Categorize the communication (e.g. work order vs compliance)
  • Reply with the best response template (e.g. triaging maintenance)

See how smart replies work

Try it for yourself

Also released: Internal comments

Need to discuss something just amongst the management team? Now, just toggle the comment to “internal” in order to have a conversation or leave notes for each other. Toggle it back off in order to reply to everyone on the thread.

Ready to see how Super's AI assistant can help you supercharge your property management team? Book a demo today.

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